What is Public Speaking ?

A public speaking course is a specialized training program designed to help individuals develop effective communication skills for delivering speeches and presentations in public settings. This course aims to enhance public speaking abilities, boost confidence, and improve overall communication effectiveness.

Public Speaking  

Jonathan Keller

eLearning.co.za taught me how to control page appearance e.g. adding a watermark and page colour to a document, adding headers and footers as well as controlling page layout. Most of all it helped me to get started as a beginner.

Keagan Naude

This was a superb course. Thank you!

What are the prerequisites?

  • Computer/Laptop
  • Email for notifications and communication
  • Internet connection
  • PDF viewer (e.g ADOBE Acrobat)
  • Microsoft Word for notes
  • A web browser

What other related courses are offered?

We provide a variety of courses, from computer studies to leadership and softskills courses.

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The eLearning platform helped me to get started with Microsoft Office Word and get to know the basics of creating a document. Thank you, it has made a difference to my life.

Course Content

Job Market Prospects

This soft skills course is a prerequisite for most companies.  

What other people are saying:

How long does it take to complete?

How much does it cost?

Unit 1 - What is public speaking ?

1.1 Informative Speaking

1.2 Persuasive Speaking

1.3 Speeches to Inspire Action 

1.4 Speaking on Special Occasions 

Unit 2 - Stage Fright 

2.1 The Fear of Public Speaking 

2.2 Communication Apprehension (CA) Explained 

2.3 How to Mange Public Speaking Anxiety 

Unit 3 - Preparing Your Presentation 

3.1 Before the Speech preparation 

3.2 Select Your Material

3.3 Highlighting text

3.4 Contruct an Outline 

3.5 Write Your Draft 

3.6 Preparing Your Visuals 

3.7 Revise Your Speech 

3.8 Tie Loose Ends Together 

3.9 Practice 

Unit 4 - Presenting Your 

4.1 Delivering Your Speech: Methods of Delivery

4.2 Delivery Your Speech: Vocal Aspects of Delivery


4.3 Delivery Your Speech: Nonverbal Aspects of Delivery 

4.4 Delivery Your Speech: Mastering the Room

4.5 Determining the disciplinary route 

4.6 Rules of evidence 

4.7 Admissible evidence 

4.8 Inadmissible evidence

4.9 Other examples of inadmissible evidence 

4.10 Primary vs supporting evidence 

4.11 Formulating changes 

It takes between 4 days and 2 weeks, depending on your speed.

R 150 (incl VAT) for access to The Accelerator Programme for a year

Customer Satisfaction 


Personal Development 

Stress Management 

Lizette Bezuidenhoud

What will my certificate look like?

Unit 5 - Conducting the disciplinary action  

5.1 Arranging a chairperson 

5.2 The issue of representation 

5.3 Preparing witnesses

5.4 Onus of Proof

5.5 The disciplinary hearing procedure

5.6 Mitigating and aggravating statements 

5.7 Appeal hearing 

5.8 Role of initiator in appeals 

5.9 Working of appeal procedure 

5.10 Role play 

Unit 6 - Managing poor work performance  

6.1 Introduction 

6.2 Differentiating between probation and employees  that perform poorly 

6.3 Substantive and procedural fairness 

6.4 Informal and formal process 

6.5 A practical guide for dealing with poor work performance 

6.6 Incapacity as a reason for poor work performance 

6.7 Step 1: Fact gathering process

6.8 Step 2: Performance investigation 

6.9 Step 3: Performance consultation 

6.10 Step 4: Progress Meetings

6.11 Step 5: Final performance review    


Time Management