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How to turn stress into a competitive advantage for your business

Stress management in the workplace. If you do it right - manage stress well for you, your team and your organisation - then you as a company will have a competitive advantage. No doubt. 


The Vistage Blog puts it this way; “Almost 8 out of 10 people regularly experience physical symptoms caused by stress. The cost of this for employers is around US$300 billion every year in stress related health care and absences.


Stress-related presenteeism (defined as the lost productivity that occurs when employees come to work but, as a consequence of illness or other conditions, are not fully functioning) and absenteeism are costing employers more than AU$10 billion a year.


As industry leaders, it makes sense for boards to tackle this costly issue. And the first step in doing so is to challenge how organisations, and society, have normalised and accepted stress. We actually expect we should feel stressed during certain circumstances e.g. tough market conditions, organisational change, busy times of year etc. For some professions it is almost worn as a merit badge of their commitment to success.”


You so often hear people say to each other: “I’m so busy.” but this in and of itself is a large part of our stress. There is no getting away from the office any more: your phone is always on and thus you’re always available. Most people have laptops, tablets or desk top computers at home. “Switching off” just does not exist anymore. Deadlines are always looming. The boss is always close and the pressure mounts. Especially when there are challenges such as budgetary constraints, competitors, office politics, conflict, mounting responsibilities, changing working conditions and a whole host of other problems. This all contributes to the process of stress. 


This stress scenario causes health issues. From ulcers to high blood pressure to coronary issues to weakening the immune system which then opens the door for viruses and infections.


This in turn leads to poor performance in the work place. Concentration that slips, apathy, negativity and bad judgement can all be traced back to stress that is not managed properly. 


In our course on stress management and how it can become a company strength, we show you how you can achieve this. Inside and also outside of your company. It will change the way that your organisational culture approaches this and we believe that this instruction is one that all levels of management should invest in.


Forward thinking companies today must have a set strategic approach to stress and it’s management. This provides an opportunity that very few other companies are working on and getting better at. This then may just be the competitive discriminator that you are looking for to make headway and be three steps ahead of your competitors.  


The best organisations out there are the ones that see employees come to work with pleasure and at the end of the day leave with satisfaction. This is one way that you can achieve that. 


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