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Change management

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Change Management Courses

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The competitive advantage

Change is certainly one thing we humans can always be sure of. It is the one constant in our lives. And taxes, of course. However, in the 21st century that change is just so much faster, constant, ever-evolving and all encompassing than ever before in the progression of the human race. 


It’s all around us all of the time: as ideas and perceptions change, so technologies erupt. The processes in which these developments happen give rise to more and finer, refined thoughts, which in turn unearths more change as we scamper to keep up with new developments. It is our competitive advantage, how quickly we can manage the change by identifying it, implementing and adapting to it.  


Methods change almost on a daily basis, which affects the way we perform our daily tasks, our relaxation, our entertainment and our sport a s we live our lives. Change can be scary, confusing and challenging all at the same time. 


Just ask yourself if you have not already: “What did we do without the Worldwide Web?” or “How did we communicate before the advent of cell phones?” It’s just two decades ago that we asked the same question about the fax machine. Now it’s obsolete. Imagine the consternation when a car superceded the horse drawn carriage?


But how do we manage this change? How do we get our heads around an ever-changing world where the way we have to react needs revision all the time. Where we have to ask ourselves am I reacting the right way in this given situation because it is new to me. 


Change management needs a very different approach for it to succeed in any company. Remember that people as a whole are almost allergic to change and therefore it needs sensitivity to implement change. That’s why this course focuses on the management of it. 


It entails thoughtful planning and delicate and perceptive implementation through out the process. However above all it requires open, two- way lines of communication on planning, consultation, implementation with, and the complete involvement of the people affected by the planned changes. If you merely force change on employees problems and conflict is bound to arise. Change must be realistic, achievable and measurable. Employees need to have the tools and equipment to understand the change. Then add the techniques and you are halfway there. that is what this course will do for you and your team. 


Our change management course as an advantage will supply you with the necessary competitive advantage. It is suitable for any person who is involved in change, or who will be in the near future within an organisation or a company. And as we demonstrated at the top, change is inevitable, but personal growth is an option.


The Speccon on line course to complete change management teaching as your advantage is particularly beneficial to managers and supervisors who will shape, implement and assist the change process in your business. 


Change can often be a very trying, confusing and scary time for individuals and businesses. Our course will make the change process run smoothly because you will know how to manage it and make it your leg up on the competition.

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Leadership: How to manage your business during Covid-19 Pandemic?

Improve workplace relationships: How to turn negativity into positivity in the workplace.  

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