TAP> Analysing Shape and Motion in 2D and 3D Space
Course Purpose This unit standard is designed to provide credits towards the mathematical literacy requirements of the NQF at level 4. WHAT YOU’LL LEARN This unit standard is designed to provide credits towards the mathematical literacy requirements of the NQF …
Course Purpose
This unit standard is designed to provide credits towards the mathematical literacy requirements of the NQF at level 4.
This unit standard is designed to provide credits towards the mathematical literacy requirements of the NQF at level 4. The mathematical literacy requirements’ essential purpose is that, as the learner progresses with confidence through the levels, the learner will grow in an insightful use of mathematics in managing the needs of everyday living to become a self-managing person. An understanding of mathematical applications that provides insight into the learner`s present and future occupational experiences and so develop into a contributing worker. The ability to voice a critical sensitivity to the role of mathematics in a democratic society and become a participating citizen. People credited with this unit standard can measure, estimate, and calculate physical quantities in practical situations relevant to adults with increasing responsibilities in life or the workplace. Explore, analyse, critique, describe, represent, interpret and justify geometrical relationships and conjectures to solve problems in two and three-dimensional geometrical situations.
Duration: 1 Day
- 2 Sections
- 19 Lessons
- 3 Days
- Unit 1: Measure, estimate, and calculate physical quantities in practical situations relevant to the adultASSESSMENT CRITERIA7
- 0.0Scales on the measuring instruments are read correctly
- 0.1Quantities are estimated to a tolerance justified in the context of the need
- 0.2The appropriate instrument is chosen to measure a particular quantity
- 0.3Quantities are measured correctly to within the least step of the instrument
- 0.4Appropriate formulae are selected and used
- 0.5Caluations are carried out correctly and the least steps of instruments used are taken into account when reporting final values
- 0.6Symbols and units are used in accordance with SI conventions and as appropriate to the situation
- Unit 2: Explore, critique, describe, represent, interpret, and justify geometrical relationshipsASSESSMENT CRITERIA12
- 0.0Descriptions are based on a systematic analysis of the shapes and reflect the properties of the shapes accurately, clearly, and completely
- 0.1Descriptions include quantitative information appropriate to the situation and need
- 0.23-dimensional objects are represented by top, front, and side views
- 0.3Different views are correctly assimilated to describe 3-dimensional objects
- 0.4Available and appropriate technology is used in producing and analyzing representations
- 0.5Relations of distance and positions between objects are analysed from different views
- 0.6Conjectures as appropriate to the situation are based on well-planned investigations of geometrical properties
- 0.7Representations of the problems are consistent with and appropriate to the problem context. The problems are represented comprehensively and in mathematical terms
- 0.8Results are achieved through efficient and correct analysis and manipulation of representations
- 0.9Problem-solving methods are presented clearly, logically, and in mathematical terms
- 0.10Reflections on the chosen problem-solving strategy reveal strengths and weaknesses of the strategy
- 0.11Alternative strategies to obtain the solution are identified and compared in terms of appropriateness and effectiveness
- Grade 10