TAP> Understanding Market Mechanisms in New Ventures
Course Purpose Describing the free market system in terms of perfect and imperfect competitive markets, analysing the interplay of demand and supply in determining prices,...
TAP> Identifying Business Opportunities
Course Purpose Describing and discussing entrepreneurship, recognising personal entrepreneurial strengths and weaknesses concerning identified opportunities, identifying typical entrepreneurial characteristics, recognising entrepreneurial opportunities in one’s own...
TAP> Plan and manage production/operations in a new venture
Course Purpose Creating a production/operations layout tailored for a new venture, implementing effective production/operations scheduling, applying resource management strategies within the new venture, and incorporating...
TAP> Business Planning for New Ventures
Course Purpose: Gathering and analysing relevant information for a business plan, formulating an ethical framework for operational plans in a new venture, establishing and prioritising...
TAP> Administrative Skills for Meeting and Event Coordination
Course Purpose Selecting a date, venue, and time for a meeting or event, coordinating with attendees to confirm availability, booking venues and catering, finalising meeting...
TAP> Manage general administration
Course Purpose: Executing payment processes, coordinating and overseeing promotional activities, managing confidential information and documents, and implementing control measures with individuals are key responsibilities in...
TAP> Professional Interaction Techniques
Course Purpose Understanding appropriate behavior in a business environment, interpreting body language within a business context, effectively interacting with individuals in a business setting, and...
TAP> Understanding Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment
Course Purpose: Principles, policies, and frameworks aimed at promoting economic transformation and inclusivity in South Africa. This includes understanding BBBEE codes, compliance requirements, strategies for...