Our eLearning Content 

Need eLearning content?  We provide just that!

The process of integrating the eLearning content to your training system is simple and fast. Our content is world-class quality and developed by experts to meet all of your content needs.

Easy to use content

High quality

Why our Content?

Our content is diverse, high quality and is easy to use. With trends moving towards eLearning, we have invested heavily in this area by developing accredited content, in computer, business related, soft skills and wellness courses. The courses are in video and animation format, with simulations throughout to guide you in your quest for knowledge. Some of the courses provide assessments and exams. They are fully aligned to the South African SETA and SAQA requirements.

Our Clients

Excellent customer service

Do you want your training material transformed into eLearning, but don't know where to start?

We have the solution!

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